Author: swiss

Edith Stier-Thompson (news aktuell); Eljub Ramic (news aktuell), Angelyne Larcher (Swiss Entrepreneurs Magazine), Julia Mandil (nma), Christoph Hüning (nma), Cecilia Valsted (IndieFrame), Lars Brack (IndieFrame), Frank Stadthoewer (news aktuell), Michael Schmitt (SIGMUND Talks).     The dpa subsidiary, news aktuell (Switzerland) AG, hosted

Mitipi launches the first safety subscription in Switzerland, together with Smile Direct insurance, and makes access to home safety easier. Prevention, detection and insurance are the three elements one must care about when thinking about safety. On the market, there

Swiss Startup Group Ag (SSUG) is expanding its Growth Services and, in cooperation with jobchannel ag, launching the first job platform for all innovation jobs in Switzerland. With the introduction of the platform, all jobs in the field of innovation

The Swiss Startup Factory (SSUF) continues its growth strategy and opens a satellite office @ EPFL to bring its unique business execution platform for startups to the French speaking startup ecosystem in Switzerland. As one of the key players in the

Looking back at 2018…. Swiss Entrepreneur Media was founded in March 2017 as a Start-up in Media, Consulting and Public relations for Entrepreneurs, and 2018 proved to be one of the defining periods, in terms of the growth that we have

Vedic Management is all about bringing productivity, profitability as well as sustainability to individuals unto institutions: Dr David Frawley   Dr David Frawley a.k.a. Vamadeva Shastri is a world-renowned author, thinker, speaker as well as visionary in the field of Yoga &

“The more time you spend upfront perfecting things, the less time you’ll have to adjust from what you have learnt.” – Marie Tuil, co-founder, Direct Coffee Through their start-up Direct Coffee, social entrepreneurs and husband and wife team, Marie and Michael

Photo used courtesy of Selfnation Selfnation is a Zürich based jeans brand that makes custom fitting jeans for anyone who needs something made especially for him or her. They are one of the best 100 Start-up companies of 2016 in Switzerland.

Joineer  is a recruiting online platform bringing a new and different approach towards the recruiting process.   The Founders of Joineer shares their Entrepreneurial story and some business advice with us:   Q: What is the name of your business and what do you

“Have a great team with different skills with whom you can work well together.” – Patricia Schlenter, Kickstart Accelerator The second edition of Kickstart Accelerator is well underway with selected start-ups from across the country participating in an intensive 11-week program